Friday, August 16, 2013

Disappearing 9 Patch on Point

I've decided to use this as my quilting blog.  I am figuring out how to piece quilts and make my tops look a little better each day.  I wish I could promise lots of amazing pictures and awesome quilts, but I'm a pretty simple kind of gal and my photography skills are seriously lacking.  So, bear with me here!

Let's start with the quilt I made for my Baby Girl.
Apparently I didn't get a picture after I had actually sewn all the blocks together. Sorry about that - I'll blame it on mommy brain!  This is just all the blocks laid out on the floor waiting to be put together.  Anyway, this is a disappearing 9 patch on point.  I had a friend teach me the pattern, but you can learn about it here.  The inspiration to put it on point came from here and the tutorial for putting it on point was here.  

I will post a picture of it after I get it back from being quilted!  Super excited to see how it turns out :)

I'm going to try to post once a week with the quilt tops I finish.  We will see how that goes.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you for sharing the "on point" concept. I saw it a couple of months ago and went ga-ga, but did not know the "how-to".